Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Waveland Police

City of Waveland
335 Coleman Avenue
Bldg. 8
Waveland, MS 39576

I am in semi-constant contact with Lt. Mac Cowand of the Waveland Police Department.

The tale he tells of life since The Storm is heroing. Due to the stress of the storm and life following - life histories lost, houses lost, citizens dying from The Storm, 30% of their force resigned.

If you are a cop, were a cop, or thinking of becoming a cop, consider this for just a few moments... You're trying to serve and protect a community and can do nothingto save it from such a powerful storm - even though that's what you swore you would do. You would protect them and you couldn't. Then, out of homes for 8000, only 35 remained standing. Not inhabitable, STANDING. How do you serve that? Your own home, your equipment, your patrol cars, your personal vehicles, are all lost. And, because of geography, your town is isolated. Then, 30% of the force resigns due to this stress. You can't blame them. And finally, due to no tax base, you're probably going to lose another 20% - one of which might be you.

It isn't until more than 8 months after the storm you get a new fleet of patrol cars and get fitted for new uniforms, new body armor.

Violent crime is on the rise. You read about it in the papers, but you are also experiencing it. All of these FEMAvilles, coupled with the chronic stress of the situation on the citizens is increasing the rate of violent crime, the ferocity of the violence and the rate of the crime on YOU - the police who are reduced in numbers, but no less bound to serve and protect.

Do you, as a citizen or fellow police officer, think they need help?

The List!


St. Clare School Closing

From WLOX.com

An ice cream party gave St. Clare second graders some sweet memories to cherish, as they said good-bye to each other and their Waveland school.

"I want chocolate syrup," says one boy.

"I want vanilla and sprinkles," says a girl.

While some students took pictures, others took home souvenirs, like their desks.

"It reminds me of the memories I had at St. Clare," says second grader Conner Ladner.
It was a bittersweet day as well for teachers like Barbara Worrel. Leaving a school where she has taught for 29-years wasn't easy.

"Sadness. Sadness. I'm going to miss all this," says Barbara Worrel.

Terry Asher also has strong ties to the school. He went to school at St. Clare. and that's where he chose to send his two sons.

"When I was in Kindergarten, I came here in 1969, and Hurricane Camille hit. The school was gone then too," says Terry Asher. "I used to tell my kids about me being in trailers and everything and never imagined that the same thing would happen to them."

St. Clare was rebuilt a year after Camille. Since Katrina's destruction, the school has been operating out of Quonset huts. But a new St. Clare won't be coming back.

"It's tough. Very tough," says Asher. "All the parents here really fought to have the school reopen. It's emotional for everybody."

"It's the center of the community," says Sr. Ruth Angelette.

She was the principal when St. Clare opened in 1964. She returned to the campus on the day it closed for good.

"It was my Camelot," says Sr. Ruth. "It gives me closure. A sad closure, but it does."

"Don't leave me Ms Morrel," said one student as he hugged his teacher.

While the school will no longer exist, many believe the St. Clare spirit will live on.

"A lot of things have changed since Katrina, and we can't control that," says Sr. Ruth. "We have to look forward and have the hope, and faith, and spirit to move forward."

In the Fall, St. Clare will merge with Bay Catholic Elementary in Bay St. Louis to become "Holy Trinity School".

The St. Clare property may be used for a parish hall and new home for the pastor.

Habitat Homes Article


In one week, a Waveland family hit hard by Katrina will move into a brand new home. The house is being built by the Habitat for Humanity Foundation. But as WLOX NEWS found out, the Habitat home currently going up is only the first of many to come in Hancock County.

The sounds of construction signal a new beginning for the Adams Family. Four feet of gushing water did irreversible damage to the house they called home for more than 27 years.

"A fresh start, a new beginning. We're not leaving, I'm not leaving. Waveland is my home and I love it down here and I won't leave," Susan Adams said.

Thanks to Habitat For Humanity, the couple won't have to leave the city. The organization is building them a new home.

"It's a four bedroom, roughly 1200 square foot, sort of a Coastal Cottage designed house," said Habitat Construction Manager Mark Scott.

This is a history making construction project in Hancock County. It's the first Habitat home ever to be built in this county. And organizers say it's just the first of many.

"We currently have 16 lots in Waveland and about 40 in Bay St. Louis. We're still in the process of negotiating to buy more land, and are receiving donations of land from area residents, so we'll be building here for a long time," said Habitat Project Manager Wendy McDonald.

Scott said. "When someone determines the catastrophe is over, we'll leave a program here that will continue to build houses for first time home buyers probably five, six, seven years down the road."

The Adams Family is just grateful Habitat is helping meet the area's housing needs.

"This is a house that love has built. Habitat has become more than friends, they're a great organization and I can't thank them enough."

The Adams home marks the 1,001 Habitat Home built in Mississippi.

by Al Showers

Sunday, May 28, 2006



11/3 State Farm recently presented a grant to HANDS (Helping Americans Needing Disaster Support). This organization was started my Leisha Pickering (wife of Congressman Chip Pickering of Central Miss._ Great organization. We'll probably continue our support with this organization not only with financial support but volunteer efforts as well.

HANDS is a 501 (c) 3 that is funded solely through the generous donations of foundations, corporations, churches, and individuals. If you would like to make a contribution to HANDS’ relief efforts,

please contact our distribution center at 601-957-0094.
Make checks payable to:

P.O. Box 16449
Jackson, MS 39236

HANDS, Helping Americans Needing Disaster Support, is a Mississippi faith-based non-profit founded in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. HANDS’ mission is to help rebuild, recover, renew, and restore the individuals, families, and communities devastated by Katrina and other disasters. HANDS is adapting to the changing needs during the different stages of recovery, including the distribution of supplies and clothing, coordinating cleaning and debris removal, and partnering individual families with churches and communities groups to assist in the recovery process.

Dear Friends:

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we have seen the horrific television footage. We have all
struggled with a sense of helplessness at the devastation and number of families left in need. I thank each and every one of you that have taken part in the recovery efforts through sending supplies, money, or volunteering your time. Without your support, the relief efforts would have suffered greatly. However, there is much more work to be done. The recovery process is just beginning. Some of you have toured the coast and seen the devastation first-hand. For those who have not, the destruction is indescribable.

Approximately 70,000 homes on the Mississippi Gulf Coast were completely destroyed, and thousands more were damaged by wind, trees, and water. While the physical destruction has been staggering, the hope and faith of the people affected has been greatly strained. Each passing day our neighbors on the coast see what you and I may catch as a glimpse hidden on the news. We believe God has raised up HANDS to bring the hope of Christ to the region through the physical rebuilding as well as emotional and spiritual support.

While this is sobering news to hear eight months post Katrina, the Mississippi,Faith-based nonprofit, HANDS (Helping Americans Needing Disaster Support), offers a brighter vision for the future.

The goal of HANDS is “to rebuild the Coast one family at a time” using a new initiative called the Family Connection Program. HANDS has gathered data on the needs of over 1,500 families, or approximately 6,300 individuals, from the devastated region, including Biloxi, Gulfport, Waveland, Pearlington, and Pass Christian. There are far too many needs to list in this letter, but none are greater than their need for a renewed spirit of hope. In the early days after the storm, many people placed their hope in their insurance companies, the government, and the nation, assuming that these groups would be able to provide enough support to help them rebuild. However, the harsh reality is that many people have gone back to their normal routines, offers of assistance have dwindled, and many Coastal residents have begun experiencing
widespread depression as they face their bleak future. We believe Jesus has called us to love our
neighbor during this time of need and the Family Connection Program is a vehicle to do just that.

The Family Connection Program offers you, your family, your church, or your business an
opportunity to take a personal hand in rebuilding the Coast. Each HANDS Sponsor Group is assigned one family, and is asked to commit one full year to developing a relationship with the family and addressing their emotional needs. Pray for them, Care for them and Share with them in their time of need. After becoming “intimately” involved in the family’s life, if there are physical or financial needs that you feel led to address, HANDS’ encourages you to do so. Each family in the Family Connection Program shares similar emotional needs, but the financial needs vary from family to family. Using detailed research data, HANDS can match each sponsor group with a family based upon the sponsor’s anticipated time and available resources.

For more information on the Family Connection Program, contact HANDS at 877-426-3703 or 601-957-0094. You can also visit their web site at www.hands.ms.

Through the Family Connection Program, HANDS is making a profound impact in the lives of many people, and I encourage you to become a part.

As Americans, we can find no greater way to promote the general welfare of our nation and our
people than a program such as this. The largest natural disaster in the history of our nation is upon us and now is the time for each of us to make a personal difference and exhibit the passion Christ has placed in our hearts to Love our Neighbor as ourselves.


Friday, May 26, 2006

Waveland Fire

Waveland Fire Dept.
322 Gulfside Dr.
Waveland, MS 39576

I just spoke with Assistant Chief Mike about their situation and needs.

Before the hurricanes hit, Waveland had 2 fire stations. 1 is now a slab and the other is destroyed but standing after taking on over 5' of water. All equipment was lost. Some has been replaced, but they are still in great need.

Amazing - during the hurricane, they evacuated from Station 2 to the waste water treatment plant next door, which already had a host of folks in it trying to escape the rising waters. 2 elderly women got stuck in the elevator from the first to the second floor, so the firefighters had to go back out into the storm to get equipment to rescue the ladies. Heroism at it's most basic.

Right now, Station 1 is being run out of a double wide trailer and Station 2 just got a single wide trailer to be able to post a shift of men there again. Until this, the town was being covered by only 1 station.

The stress on the fire fighters has been very high - similar to the police department. Some of them went to the destroyed Walmart, got bycicles so they could ride home to get their ATV's and have some form of transportation to assist the citizens during those critical first hours. But because Waveland is such an old community, and had gorgeous, huge old trees come down all over, the town was isolated for a very long time. Those ATV's literally became a lifeline for the entire community.

The Needs list - which will most likely expand in the coming days:

Office Supplies
Pens, pencils, reams of paper, file folders, note pads, etc.
File Cabinets
Hurst "Jaws of Life rescue tools"
Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans
Hand tools for salvage operations
Wet/Dry Vacuum
Heavy Duty extension cords
Weed Eaters

I'm adding:
Heavy duty tire plug kits
Jumper cables
Tow Cables

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Waveland FEMA Trailers Article


FEMA's Flying Tuna CansThe New Hurricane Season on the Mississippi Coast
By Chad Heeter

I'm standing on the coast, staring not at the Gulf of Mexico but inland, into the nothingness that used to be Waveland, Mississippi. Where once homes, a library, and the city hall stood, there's only rubble, ghostly slabs of concrete, sun-bleached pants, nightgowns, and curtains eerily draped high in the trees, and a single, green minivan crumpled like an aluminum can. Oh yes, and then there are the "travel trailers" -- FEMA supplied -- that sit on the tombstone-like slabs and house many of the residents who remain in this small seaside town.

Now, your basic travel trailer is great for a family vacation to Yellowstone, but as protection against a storm? Even when tethered to the ground (and some of these aren't), trailers can rock back and forth in relatively mild winds and be heavily damaged in your ordinary thunderstorm. But here in Waveland, where Katrina hit with devastating Category-4 force nine months ago, and far more important, less than two weeks before the next hurricane season revs up on June 1st, these trailers shelter hundreds of families. In fact, over 90,000 Katrina families scattered across Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama now sleep in FEMA trailers and are likely to face, in the months to come, a new danger on the unreconstructed coastline of the southeast – that, in a storm much kinder than Katrina, their "homes" will be turned into flying tuna cans.

In October 2004, experts at the American Meteorological Society, considering mobile home communities, issued a report (http://www.ametsoc.org/POLICY/statement_2004_mobilehomes.html) which concluded in part: "The public perception that only tornadoes and hurricanes destroy mobile homes is wrong. These homes can be demolished by many kinds of severe winds." In fact, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/HAW2/english/high_winds.shtml), nearly half of the deaths caused by tornadoes in the U.S. come when trailer residents either stay put to ride out the storm or flee in areas without immediately available shelters. Forget hurricanes, Mississippi is hit with an average of 24 tornadoes a year and already ranks second in the nation in the number of tornado-related deaths and injuries.
Gusts of 50 miles per hour lasting more than three seconds can damage mobile homes. From March 2003 to April 2005, thirteen storms with winds of at least 58 mph -- the low-end of a severe storm -- blew through Waveland and surrounding communities according NOAA's online database. At that strength, such a storm wouldn't even qualify as a Category-1 Hurricane.

Having put over 100,000 Mississippi residents in 38,000 trailers, how has FEMA addressed this issue? Its website essentially dumps the problem in the laps of the trailerized, suggesting that it's their responsibility to closely monitor weather patterns, as in the event of a tropical storm or a Category-1 hurricane they would have to be the first -- in some cases, the only people -- to evacuate. Oh, and they'll need to leave the trailers behind. It's illegal to move the FEMA trailers.

Under hurricane conditions, the website points out, "such shelters are particularly hazardous...no matter how well fastened to the ground." A chart on the same web-page makes the dangers vividly clear. A Category-2 hurricane will simply destroy all mobile homes in its path.

FEMA suggests that, on recognizing the signs of an oncoming storm, trailer residents should head for the nearest storm shelter. One problem: there is only one certified Red Cross shelter in Hancock County, 20 minutes inland from the trailer communities in Waveland, and that shelter has a scanty capacity of just 250 people. (The current estimated population of Hancock County is over 40,000 people.) Of course, such shelters, essentially reinforced concrete bunkers, could be built right in these trailer communities, but don't count on that happening in the brief days before the next storm season gears up to rush across the overheated waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

If not sturdy homes or storm shelters, what has been rebuilt along the coast? Casinos and fast-food restaurants. These went up in the blink of an eye and have been operating at peak capacity for many months -- and this is a good thing. These businesses employ thousands of locals and generate much-needed revenue for cities like Biloxi and Gulfport. But the employees working in housekeeping at Biloxi's Imperial Palace Casino, or taking drive-thru orders at the Wendy's in Waveland, are low-wage earners. What do they live in? Many in those trailers, of course. Will local officials or FEMA bureaucrats be organizing ways for them to leave the area with each threat of a tropical storm, of which there could be dozens?

In January, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) announced a $6.6 million reimbursement program to encourage communities and families to build storm shelters or in-home "safe rooms" in the event of extreme winds. But at most this funding will subsidize shelter construction for only a few thousand families -- and if you live in a low-lying flood zone like Waveland, you won't qualify for the grant.

It seems that what FEMA has created is an illusion of safety. Because these families have been placed in temporary housing, are we assuming they'll safely ride out the next storm season?
With the 2006 hurricane season promising to be as active as last year's, maybe this is the summer for FEMA to pack up those trailers and organize caravans of Mississippians to take that long-awaited trip to Yellowstone.

Chad Heeter is a writer from Lee's Summit, Mo. He lived in a travel trailer for three months one summer during college.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Bucks Mont Katrina Project - PA


You may send a check payable to
The Salvation Army to:
Bucks-Mont Katrina Relief Fund
PO Box 1542
Doylestown, PA 18901

When attorney Maureen Gatto, now volunteer project coordinator for Bucks Mont Katrina Relief, left her home in Pennsylvania last August for a two year stint in Hancock County, she knew the work here would be totally absorbing. So she asked a few little things of her family."I told my husband please don't let the house foreclose, my sons to put off any grandchildren, and my mother to stay healthy," Gatto laughed. "My practice of course couldn't wait two years, so someone is handling that."Gatto is just one of hundreds of volunteers from the Pennsylvania counties of Bucks and Montgomery who just can't seem to do enough to help Hancock County get back on its feet. The two counties are bordered by the city of Philadelphia in Southeastern Pennsylvania.The group sponsors around 15 programs in the county, some ongoing, some just getting started, and others nearing completion. On Tuesday the group will co-host an all day bash of groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings and opening celebrations for projects organized by the group from the ground up.

Child care center dedication scheduled for March 13, 2007
The Hancock County Child Development Center building dedication is now scheduled for Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 11 a.m. in Bay St. Louis, Miss. If the dedication ceremony is anything like the ground-breaking event held in April 2006, be prepared for an emotional and joyous occastion. The child development center is a gift from the Bucks Mont Katrina Relief Project to Hancock County, Miss., and will accommodate 124 children. The March 13 ceremony will include a ribbon joining (no ribbon-cutting -- we're joining our efforts with the gracious people of Hancock County), music, reception, tours and treats.
Welcome to the Bucks Mont Katrina Relief ProjectThe Salvation Army of Greater Philadelphia is a key partner in the Bucks Mont Katrina Relief Project, providing guidance and non-profit status to our fundraising efforts.
In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, Calvary Church, Souderton, PA, has made a two-year commitment to aid relief efforts in the Gulf Coast:
Katrina Logistics
NARI Trip, February 07 -- Residential -- Start Date: 2/11/2007
Based out of: Doylestown, PA Contact: Laurie Baker
Description: Skilled, "lightly skilled," and non skilled volunteers will be doing finishing work on several residential homes. For further information, please contact Marnie McAleer, at 215-654-0364, or marni.mcaleer@harthbuilders.com
Child care center dedication scheduled for March 13, 2007
The Hancock County Child Development Center building dedication is now scheduled for Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 11 a.m. in Bay St. Louis, Miss.
If the dedication ceremony is anything like the ground-breaking event held in April 2006, be prepared for an emotional and joyous occastion.The child development center is a gift from the Bucks Mont Katrina Relief Project to Hancock County, Miss., and will accommodate 124 children.
The March 13 ceremony will include a ribbon joining (no ribbon-cutting -- we're joining our efforts with the gracious people of Hancock County), music, reception, tours and treats.
The group's cornerstone project is a new 10,000-square-foot day-care center, the first public building constructed in Hancock County post-Katrina, which will be dedicated on March 13. Much of the $1.25 million cost of the day-care center is been offset by donated labor, materials and supplies from Bucks and Montgomery County residents and businesses.
The group is also helping to build a 5,266-square-foot animal rescue facility to serve an estimated 60 cats and 20 dogs, who like their human counterparts, were also made homeless by Katrina.
Organizers have started a program dubbed Adopt-a-Family, which for $20,000 and volunteer labor, is rebuilding 900-square-foot homes and furnishing them. So far eight houses have been completed and over the next two years organizers are hoping to build 30 to 35 homes, but need to raise $600,000 to $700,000 to do it.
Salvation Army honors Bucks Mont Katrina Relief Project with "Others Award"
Commissioner Israel L. Gaither, the national commander of The Salvation Army USA, was the featured speaker at The Salvation Army Greater Philadelphia Annual Luncheon. Making his first trip to Philadelphia, Commissioner Gaither inspired and challenged the more than 400 guests gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue.
During the presentation of the Others Award to the leaders of the Bucks-Mont Katrina Relief Project, the recipients were astonished when two officials from Hancock County, Mississippi - the community adopted by the project - walked onto the platform and participated in the presentation.
Emceed by WPVI-TV anchor Tamala Edwards, the luncheon also featured the presentation of the inaugural Doing the Most Good Community Leadership Awards to Erik Kolar and Michael O'Neill. After Captain Margaret Davis opened the event with a rousing vocal rendition of O Beautiful, Rev. Marguerite E, Handy gave the invocation. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. W. Matthew Reed, from the Calvary Church of Souderton.
12/3 Adopt a Family Project

As residents of Bucks and Montgomery Counties, we're involved in several relief projects at once. See below.

Adopt a Family Restoring Families. Rebuilding our Neighbors’ Homes. BMKRP in conjunction with City Team Ministries and National Association of Remodeling Industry (NARI) has identified families in Hancock County who have fallen through the cracks and are receiving little or no help from government programs or from their insurance providers. Their homes are uninhabitable.
And they need help! There is an organization of builders, contractors, and re-modelers in our community which is part of a national association known as NARI. They have volunteered to send groups down to Hancock County, Mississippi, to rebuild homes. Our field workers in Mississippi have identified those families most in need of assistance and are methodically verifying their situations.
For each identified family, approximately $20,000 is needed for supplies to rebuild their home. NARI will donate the professional labor. With family, funding, and NARI in place, our field workers complete a detailed assessment of the rebuilding project. Then they coordinate getting the necessary materials and supplies to the jobsite for the NARI team’s arrival.
Being able to make these purchases locally supports the local economy and creates jobs. Our field workers will provide living and eating arrangements for the NARI volunteers, so all they need to do is show up with tools in hand! With the project surveyed, the materials on site, and a team of professional builders, a family’s home can be rebuilt in just one week!
Here is how your Church can help.
1. Rebuild a family’s home by contributing all or a portion of the needed $20,000. This is a great opportunity to partner with local churches in your denomination or community.
2. Help restore the family by becoming the family’s support team:
· Pray for them
· Send a team to support the family and workers while building is in progress.
· Write letters of encouragement
· Get to know the family - send birthday cards e.g.
· Help them celebrate Christmas and other holidays
· Help them with all the “things” that need to go into a home after it’s rebuilt. · Identify their personal needs, i.e. baseball gloves, bikes, laptops, etc.
· Become their friends.
· Walk along side the family in their time of great need.
These are just a few of many possible ways to support our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast as they continue the struggle of rebuilding and restoring. Hurricane Katrina has taught us that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.
Please help rebuild their homes and restore their families. Many hands can lift a heavy load. Together, we can lift up the community of Hancock County, MS. Please join us.
Contact info:
Rev. Wayne Lynch, Religious Organizations Task Force Committee Chair
wklynch5@verizon.net 267-987-4258
(C) Rev. Matt Reed, Religious Organizations Task Force Trip Coordinator
(O) Mary Lee Reiff, Religious Organizations Task Force Secretary
mlreiff@aol.com 215-348-9293
(H) Rich Timmons, Adopt a Family Coordinator 215-340-9090 ext 111 (O) rt@timmonsandcompany.com
Thanks SOOO much for everything!
Words can't express my utmost gratitude and appreciation for the trip and your help with our community. Through all of the heartache, we have been blessed to have met so many wonderful people that have truly touched our hearts.
As we drove home today along the beach I told my husband that it really is different when you are away from this area and you get back home to see the devastation again is just unbelievable.
It was so great to get away for a few days.
Thanks again for everything and please know that you ALL are welcome to stay with us anytime!
With much love,

Day Care Center Wish List, June 2006 Dear friends: Here are items and services we will need to finish the job of building a new day care center for our friends in Hancock County:

Masons to join Thompson team Fulfilled Money for masonry materials $15,000
Carpenters to install doors, windows, folding partitions and accessories (Perea Team)
Plastic laminate counters for lay-in sinks $10,000
Metal building insulation (approximately 10,500 S.F. 6”) donated EIFS or stucco contractor for a small job $10,000
Caulking Contractor $2,500
Waterproofing contractor $3,500
Exterior Windows $35,000
Interior glazing $5,000
Painting contractors (we have the paint) $6,000
VCT about 8500 S.F. donated
Cove Base about 2600 linear feet donated
Bath accessories $2,000
Toilet partitions $2,500
Folding Partitions $20,000
Wall guards $5,000
Ground mounted flag pole $3,500
York HVAC equipment, 4 and 5 ton split systems $20,000
Electrical fixtures, etc. $30,000


Happy 4th to all of you!

I just returned from the airport and thought it best to capture the moment. Before I begin, I want to congratulate Collette McBratney for the outstanding interview she gave this morning on WXTU about the Bucks Mont Katrina Project. I set the clock so I would not miss it. It was superb!! Thanks Collette on behalf of all of us involved in the project and especially the education committee.

It has been a very special week. Natalie and Tuck Skinner and their two daughters Kamden age 4 and Keeley age 2 arrived from Bay St. Louis. Natalie teaches Dance and has a state championship team. In addition, Gina and Troy Pepperman and their 2 year old son, John David, arrived the same day. Gina teaches computers at the middle school.

So I don't forget to tell you Gina's 8th grade students worked on a special project. Pearson publishers gave them a seminar on how to write a book. The students then took pictures and wrote all about Katrina. Pearson is publishing it as a coffee table book and it is due out in August. It is the school's way of trying to raise funds to help them get back on their feet. I told them to let me know when it is ready and we will see that they sell. They will be on the market through bookstores also. I also have a video made by the children that might help us get a benefit started this Fall. They need school equipment!!!

The week was packed. They arrived the night of June 27. Christine Yardley and her husband hosted the Skinner family in their home and the Byers hosted the Pepperman family in their guest house. Carol Boyd, the educational partner to Gina Pepperman, took the family under her wing when the Byers had to leave to go out of town. The welcome extended to each family by the Yardley's, Byers, the Boyds and Shelley Rosen exceeds the definition of hospitality. (I was in 2 days of workshops in King of Prussia).

The next morning each family picked up their donated rental cars. The family of Anne Biggs, Katrina Relief Project member, paid for the car rentals ( approximately $250). Each family was then given $100 cash donated by Christine Yardley's parents ($200 total) to pay for their gas and tolls for the duration of their stay.

Immediately after they received their cars, Natalie and Gina went to David Witchell's Spa in Newtown for a "Day of Beauty." The day included manicures, pedicures, facials, hair styling, and massages. The package was $300 per person if purchased and David donated both of them for a total of $600.

While in Newtown, Guy Mitchell provided lunch at the Temperance House to Natalie and Gina as well as two hosts. at no cost. They almost missed it due to a communication mix-up, but all worked out in the end.

While the ladies were getting beautiful, Christine Yardley took the Dads and kids, along with her own children, to the Philadelphia Zoo. The Dads enjoyed it as much as the kids.

The evening of the 27th, Christine Yardley and Shelley Rosen babysat so the two couples could have a romantic dinner for two and a movie afterward. Both the dinner and theater tickets were donated in the Quakertown area.

On the 28th, both families headed to Hershey. They linked up with people from Pittsburgh who also helped them from Waynesboro College. The weather was good and so was their day.

On the 29th, they enjoyed a day at Sesame Place which included Dinner with the characters. I think it is debatable who enjoyed it more...parents or children :o) In addition to the special dinner, Elmo had a warm greeting for the children!

On the 30th, the day began with a visit to Byers Choice escorted by Carol Boyd. Bob and Joyce Byers wanted Gina and Natalie to have a special gift to take home to remember their stay in Bucks County. They were thrilled and very appreciative.

Then it was my turn. I gathered up the families and along with Christine Yardley we headed to Philly. The parents had 2 requests the historical area and Geno' s steaks. We saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall and Betsy Ross' house. We saw where Ben is buried but time escaped too quickly. We also checked out a Taste of Philly, while saving the biggest part of our appetites for South Philly. Tuck and Natalie saw a segment on the Food Channel and wanted to see Geno's for themselves. I assure you when we got there it was more than just "seeing." In fact the guys ate one from Geno's and one from Pat's to compare. To add to the ambience a bride and groom arrived and ate one right there on the sidewalk just like everyone else. Tuck purchased his Geno tee shirt to make the memories last longer.

We ended the day with a car tour of Philly showing them the Art Museum, Boat House Row, the theater area, the sports complex, the museum area, and South Street. We circled City Hall several times for pictures of Billy Penn. Christine Yardley and I were the drivers.

In addition to the people already mentioned I owe a very special thanks to some wonderful people who helped me make the week what it was.

Let me begin with Mark Schweiker, President of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce and his secretary Chris, who helped me network with the Franklin Institute and Hershey Park.

I will also be writing a thank you note Dr. Windt, CEO of the Franklin Institute who not only provided 27 complimentary museum passes, but matched the same in complimentary IMAX tickets, flight simulator tickets, and sky ride tickets. They will be used for the group arriving on July 16 as well.

Next, I will be thanking Mr. S. J. Newkam, CEO of Hershey Park and Mr. Bill Simpson, Director of Entertainment for 27 complimentary passes to Hershey Park.

Another special thanks goes to Jennifer Walkenbach, Director of Human Resources at Sesame Place, who made arrangements for 14 complimentary admission tickets and 14 dinners with the characters.

The Philadelphia Zoo admissions were also complimentary.

We listened to many stories over the past few days of recovery. While recovery has begun, the emotional devastation is still apparent. While at Byers Choice, Natalie asked Carol to take her to the Employee Wall of Fame so she could see the picture of the woman who made Christmas for her family. Even the men showed tears during some of the stories I heard.

As we approached the Delta drop off at the airport, my daughter Erin, a Guidance Counselor at William Tennent High school, told them not to get out since she had something she wanted to share with Gina and Troy. Natalie and Tuck went to the airport with Christine. At that Erin told them that she prepared something that would assure them that we were with them even in the distance. At that Erin played Faith Hill's, Mississippi Girl, and Erin's Mom cried as she hugged them and said good bye.

We now get ready for the next group arriving on July 16. To provide the same for the next group, your donations would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes!

We want to--
· Optimize web site www.bucksmontkatrinaproject.org.
· Ensure Child Development Center moves from groundbreaking to ribbon cutting!
· Maximize marketing and fundraising related to magnetic ribbon design.
· Review landscape site plan and offer as sponsorship opportunities.
· Schedule onsite visits as needed. Identify need for teams to help with rebuilding.
· Reinforce partnership with The Salvation Army.
· Partner with Fred Beans Family of Dealerships on the Daycare Center Furnishings Project. Raised from generous employees is $76,085.
· Cultivate additional community and media relationships.
· Promote and provide Animal Shelter building plan.
· Review possible site and plan for a city park.
· Produce a PR/Marketing DVD.
· Educate, inform, and communicate with existing and new project supporters.
· Maintain communication/contact with key MS contacts.
· Determine best way to promote National Model.
· Revisit each sub-team, goals, and momentum plans.

Educator to Educator Partnership Program
In response to the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, community leaders in the Bucks/Montgomery County, PA region formed the Katrina Relief Project. The communities of Bay St. Louis/Waveland, Hancock County, Mississippi were adopted to become the focus of volunteer efforts. This relief project is successfully offering direct assistance and financial support to our neighbors in Mississippi since its inception.

As the education branch of this project, we'd like to invite you to join with us in our effort to forge one-on-one relationships with the educators in our adopted communities. We can connect to other educators as no others can. We are looking for interested teachers, principals, and other educators, either active or retired, who are interested in being partnered with an educator from our target area.

Partnering ideas may include, but are not limited to:
· Ongoing e-mail or phone contact
· Sharing lessons, books, poems, instructional materials, comfort items, manipulatives
· Class to class contact
· Establish Pen-Pal Relationship
· Service learning opportunities Orientation sessions are planned to assist volunteers in this effort.

Educator to Educator Program in Need of Middle School Teachers
In addition, the Educator to Educator is picking up momentum. We need middle school teachers to help. We also need high school special education teachers. The two K-3 buildings are in fairly good shape with partners. Heckman Elementary School, in Neshaminy School District adopted Waveland Elementary. Individual teachers adopted the other school, teacher by teacher.

The high school librarians county wide adopted the librarian at Bay High and provided all of the special requests she had between them all. The PTO at Sol Feinstein Elem. School, in Council Rock, heard about the endeavors of the librarians and sent me a check for $1,000 for educational needs.

We paid for the new Bay High Volleyball uniforms in the amount of $2250. Peddler's Village gave me a donation of $1650. The Southeast Regional Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance teachers gave me $500 and the Bucks County Technical High School students gave $100.

We held two orientation meetings and I will be contacting them via email to give added support to the volunteers.

We need middle school teachers. We still have 14 middle level teachers without partners. Word of mouth is slow.

Apply now!
GROUP or INDIVIDUAL (circle one)
Your Name(s): K-3__ 4-5__ 6-8__ 9-12__

Email Address:
Name of School/School District:
In Bucks/Montgomery County PA submit to:
Dean Roberts,
email: dor4stef@verizon.net
4 Stefwalt Road
Hatboro, PA 19040

Questions: Please contact Connie Rinker 215-852-4439 or email: crinker209@aol.com.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Recently Opened Businesses

Andy Chapman announces the opening of his web design company, BIG RIVER SYSTEMS. The website is www.bigriversystems.com. You can reach him the old fashioned way by calling 228-493-3282.

DELTA SANITATION can provide dumpsters for your rebuilding project. Give Darlene Gaubert a call at 228-818-5393.

GINA’S GOURMET GROCERY is offering a special 10% discount for party platters for Ribbon Cuttings. She offers a wide selection of delicacies like gourmet cheeses, stuffed artichokes, and olives. She also has gift baskets and balloon bouquets. Located at 998 Highway 90 next to Roseti’s Liquor Barrel, you can also give Gina a call at 228-216-1503

CAPITAL ONE MORTGAGE is the new name for Hibernia National Bank. You can find the same great customer service and friendly faces at their new permanent offices at 5411 Indian Hill Boulevard in Diamondhead. For more information on what’s new, call 228-255-4745.

Cynthia Mahner announces the opening of her new real estate company, C. MAHNER & CO., LLC. She is located at 22107 Nicholson Avenue in Waveland, and is available to help with all of your realty needs. Give her a call at 228-493-2852

Tom Cottom & Mike Mayo announce the reopening of COUNTRYSIDE ANTIQUES at 151 Hwy 90 in Waveland. A longtime favorite for beautiful antiques, the new hours will be OPEN-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10AM-5PM and CLOSED-Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. For more information: Phone: 228-467-2338,
email, antiqueswaveland@aol.com, website:http://www.csantiques.com/

IRBY ELECTRIC EXPRESS will cut its ribbon on Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 2:00 PM. This is an electrical distribution center-- new to Waveland--but in business since 1926. Welcome them to their latest location at 210 Highway 90, Suite GHNI. For more information, call 469-9540 .

Come see what shines at BAYOU JEWELERS as they celebrate their grand reopening on May 10, 2006 at 12:00 Noon. Located at 315 K Hwy 90 in Waveland, they are happy to be serving customers again. Give them a call at 228-466-8425

Catfish and Mississippi? Of course! CATFISH ONE has brought the two back together in Hancock County at their location at 485 Hwy 90 in Waveland. They are open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM. For menu details, call them at 228-466-4960.
6/21 CATFISH ONE invites everyone to join them for their ribbon cutting on Thursday, June 15, 2006 at 4:00 PM.

RIBBON CUTTING: THE PET PANTRY, 315 Hwy. 90, Suite E, Waveland. Friday, April 28th, at 4PM. Info: 228-467-5995. Specializing in all types of pet supplies, toys, treats, and accessories. Also, products by WELLNESS, NUTRO, EUKANUBA, SCIENCE DIET, IAMS, and PURINA.

LIL’ RAY’S EXPRESS. 609 Highway 90, Waveland, MS. Take out only. Po-Boys, hamburgers, bar-g-que, kid stuff and side orders. Tables available outside for your dining pleasure. For even faster service, call-in or fax your order: Phone: 467-4566. Fax: 466-0139.

Allentown Rd VFD Helping WFD


Company 32 - 8709 Allentown Road Fort Washington, MD 20744 - (301) 248-7434

I can't grab their logo because it's animated - sorry guys!

No one can argue hurricane Katrina will go down in history as one of the most devastating natural disasters ever to hit the United States. Entire buildings, cities and counties were lost due to Katrina's ferocity. One of the hardest hit Fire Departments devastated by Hurricane Katrina was the Waveland Fire Department in Waveland, Mississippi.

We at Allentown Road Volunteer Fire Department wanted to do our part to contribute to relief efforts down on the Gulf Coast. A great deal of our fundraising for the Fire Department is done via our bingo we hold bingo three nights a week. We have decided the best way we could help do OUR part to help our Brothers down on Gulf Coast was to honor them by adding a game to our bingo program with proceeds from that game going DIRECTLY to the Waveland Fire Department to assist them in rebuilding and restocking their station.

We hold bingo every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday night. The doors open at 5:30 pm, FREE dinner is served about 6:00 pm and the fun begins at 7:15 pm.

Come help us help Waveland Fire Department rebuild their station. We are THE Family Bingo of Prince George's County. Come help us expand our bingo family to include the Waveland Fire Department

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or would like to help out in other ways, feel free to email us at WavelandSupport@allentownroad.com.

Mike, from Allentown Road Volunteer Fire Department stated they have raised $5000 so far toward assisting Waveland's FD in regaining its footing.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Volunteer Perspective

The forgotten coast..!

How I got to BSL/Waveland.......I have a daughter, a junior in College. She is at Elon University in North Carolina. Right after the hurricane, her college mobilized a relief effort. One of the staff of the college was from Mississippi, not the coast, but knew many on the coast. This staff member organized the relief and went down there for a couple of days right after the storm to see what the needs were. He landed in BSL and Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Parish. The pastor is Father Michael Tracey. At this point, he was living in his car. OLG is located on the beach in BSL, right near the railroad bridge crossing, right by the town and Main Street. There are several schools on the grounds, a church, community center, the parishes offices and Father Tracey's home and several out buildings. OLG was luckier than most since the church was made of brick and stone, the walls held. The wooden older buildings were totally lost.

Elon Uviversity got a group together, of which my daughter was one. They arrived in early October and went right to Father Tracey. They brought tents, and two trucks of supplies, for themselves and of course for the people. They cleared some land right by the church and set up camp. This entire experience touched these kids so much that they have returned many times, both as a college group and many others as individuals. This is where I came in.

My daughter and I went over Christmas break on our own. We also went back over Spring break. We organized out of Our Lady of the Gulf. This parish has had two volunteer coordinators, both of whom are VOLUNTEERS. One is named Dan Wilkins, from Atlanta area and one named Dan Quinn, from Pittsburgh. Dan Quinn is still there heading up the effort. Both of these men just got in their cars one day and landed there, and stayed. Dan Wilkins has gone back to Atlanta, but heads up an effort through his church there to send funds to OLG.

Father Michael Tracey, the pastor lost not only his house and the parish offices but also has the entire parish to worry about. The reconstruction at the parish is going very well. The walls of the church stayed up, but the inside was gutted. It is presently being repaired. The parish community center has been the center of the reconstruction and has been worked on by hundreds of volunteers, if not thousands. The Catholic Parishes around the country have "adopted" this parish and sent money and manpower. The volunteers who show up at OLG are also sent out into the community by Dan Quinn.

My daughter and I have met and stayed in touch with many of the people we have met. We have a real interest in the future of this area and its awesome people. We have been able to help people first gut and clean out their homes and now we are starting the rebuildng process. Like yourself, I'm sure, words cannot express what this entire experience has meant to us. We all went there to help the people and without knowing it they have helped us. Our last time there, third week of March, some of the stores were open and we shopped and found ourselves in stores with many other volunteers from all over the country. The owners of these little boutique stores were just floored at how much the volunteers have brought to the area. It is the volunteers who are helping the economy.

I plan on returning about the third week of June. I am not sure how long I will stay. We have been fortunate enough to be able to stay in several trailers on the OLG property. These trailers were formerly occupied by Father Tracey, who has since found an apartment and several were donated in the early days by good Samaritans from Wisconsin. However, we have just heard that several Bed and Breakfasts, in town have reopened and would welcome volunteers. We may help them get started this time, by booking a room there. My son will be going with me this time. Many of the college groups stay at the ICare, Morrell Village, in Buccaneer State Park, in Waveland. I'm sure you know of it.

Not being there day to day I wouldn't know exactly of all the needs, but it seems right now, that individual people need help with rebuilding their homes. I understand materials are hard to come by. I do know that a group of the Amish sect are helping rebuild and have committed for a four year time period. I have kept in touch with a woman who is having her house built by them on Waveland Avenue. So I would guess building supplies are a real need right now.

The only way to keep interest alive in this area is through the Media. I do know that once you go there you have a pull to return and one person brings 5 the next time they come. I am actually impressed with the volunteer effort, but of course, it is mostly church based and private groups. Nothing through the Government. Of Course, the Insurance companys are a disgrace, but nothing we all can do about them. Many across this country think this area should not be rebuilt, they think it is below sea level, which it isn't, they think it is NO, which it is not. They don't understand that this is HOME to many. Why do people stay in Ca. or like myself on the coast of Fla? The people who I have met have lived there for generations. Their Mom and family live on the next street. You are not going to get entire families to move out of there. Many feel our TAX money should not be going to these people to rebuild. What a sorry old story. If they only knew that it was private money and volunteers from all over this country who are rebuilding. I have been able to raise a small amount of money and donated it to OLG. From what I can see, not too much TAX money is going to this effort.

Thanks for your effort.

Peggy D
Naples, Fla.

Waveland Animal Shelter

Waveland Animal Shelter
322 Gulfside St
Waveland, MS 39576

12/22 An accurate view of the Coast, not just NOLA

The Associated Press
Hancock County has stopped providing funds to the Waveland Animal Shelter after learning the shelter had refused to accept stray animals collected by the county, officials said.
The shelter has been funded mostly through a joint effort between Waveland, Bay St. Louis and Hancock County, but the Hancock Board of Supervisors recently voted to stop providing its portion of the money.
Last week, supervisors began a search for available land to build a shelter.
"We're not going to pay for something that we can't use," Supervisor Lisa Cowand said.
County officials said the shelter has been declared a no-kill shelter, meaning animals are held for months while waiting to be adopted or transported to other shelters throughout the country.
Shelter director Renee Lick said the facility is not a no-kill shelter, but she conceded there have been times when the shelter was full and could not accept county animals.
"Yes, there have been some times when that's happened, but we are going to have to start putting animals down again," she said. "We just can't keep holding them as long as we have been."
Carol Strohmetz, president of Friends of the Waveland Animal Shelter, said animal activists who came to help after Katrina struck last year turned the shelter into a no-kill facility, which has contributed to the overpopulation of stray animals in the county. "Even though I hate euthanasia, we can't afford to be a no-kill shelter; it's just not practical," she said.

I spoke with Michelle on 5/16 about their needs and any progress she'd like to report.
She'll be e-mailing more information, but her immediate thoughts were as follows:

Volunteers to help with repairs and to move equipment from the damaged site to the new site.
Paper Towels
Leashes (may be gently used)
Collars (may be gently used)
FOOD - adult dog and cat kibble (No red dye please)
FOOD - Kitten and Puppy chows ( No red dyes please)
FOOD - Kitten and Puppy Formula

I would also guess bedding materials such as old towels, carpet remnants, etc. and toys. But, I'll add those when I hear from her in the next few days.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Insect Control and Tolerance

I just got my Campmor catalog this last week and thought I'd share some ideas that aren't so expensive to buy and just might save some peoples' sanity or skin. The only 3 things I'm going to recommend, and they don't have to come from this catalog, are: The packtowel - super light and dries fast. GREAT. The bug head cover. Bugs in your ears is the worst. Solar shower. The one I show is the largest in the catalog. Allows for more showers in a row than smaller ones. But with showers being a limited resource, this is NOT a bad thing to take along.

You can see them yourself at www.campmor.com. You can also look for them at www.sierratradingpost.com or www.rei.com. I just happen to have the campmor catalog in front of me is all.

First will be mosquito/bug clothing. It's all pretty cheap. Honest. Compared to the comfort you'll have, it's cheap.

Bug Pants. # 82171 $19.99
Bug Top # 82170 $19.99

Bug Socks # 82172 $9.99

Bug Head Cover # 81276 $4.99

Bug Repellants:

DEET Free 4 oz. # 82151 $6.99 (Left)

31% DEET 2.5 oz #84830 $8.95

Shower stuff

Solar Shower Bag # 22320 $24.99

PackTowel 27x50 #99623 $27.05

Camp Second Helpin' Update


Hello everyone, and Seasons Greetings from the sunny gulf coast…I bring exciting news along with well wishes…As of January 1st. Camp Second Helpin' will be relocating and reopening with many new and exciting changes…We will be located at St. Mary's on Beach blvd. in Waveland, Mississippi and now we will be able to offer dorm style housing for volunteers coming down to rebuild with the ability to house between 200-250 people, along with an industrial mobile kitchen, things are looking very good…. We will still be a community center open to the public, but now we will be able to work towards offering more things to the public, such as a food bank and a free clothing outlet. I would like to thank all of you that have not forgotten us, and special hugs to those that have contacted us about coming down, or passing info on to those that are interested in coming down.We have had many exciting inquiries as of late…for those that would like to learn more about our non-profit family community center you can check out our web site (which is in the process of getting revamped) at:http://web-publishing.org/katrinarecovery/index.phpOr if you have any questions you can reach Ron-administrator at 228-342-8834 or me at 228-239-6338 we would love to see some Good Hearted, Hard Working Brothers and Sisters come help bring hope and happiness into the lives of people we may never have reached before…Rising from the dust will come a tribe of Rainbow Warriors lending a hand and leading the way to a new world…Lets grasp this opportunity to truly make a difference……Much Love Family…Momma KaBoom
Camp Second Helpin' will be re-opening after January 1st on it's new site. The community center will be our major Day time function, but we will have the capabilities to house and feed 200-250 volunteers. We will be using a commercial Kitchen to cook out of, show movies, satellite TV, Internet access, Hot showers and environment controlled sleeping barracks. On the site we also have the option to build a brick and mortar community center that will become a permanent fixture within Waveland. We have taken advantage of the last 2 months to find corporate sponsors, alocate monies for a building fund, and constant support

9/15 From Ron
I'll attempt to give an administrative perspective on this. In the 9 months we have been here in Hancock County we have had 18 actual Rainbow volunteers (I kept records of volunteers), of these, 5 established themselves and left a good lasting effect and impression.
A Quote from our Bloomington Tribe website:
We are now presently screening volunteers before they come due to obvious reasons. To everyone. "It is not simply our duty to walk lightly upon our Mother Earth but we must understand that we are Ambassadors for all the Family Tribal members that follow in our footsteps." Leave that light behind for all to follow, be the light for the path ahead." (Firelight)

A space to use alcohol and other things off-site was allotted but abuse of policy still happened. We asked 2 volunteers to leave because they had predatory actions and intentions. 3 left on their 1st day because the work ahead was so overwhelming. On 3 occasions kitchen equipment walked off-site, resulting in an overtaxed staff to have to stay up at nights to run security.

Americorp - We fed 2 rotations of Americorp volunteers (Totally for FREE) with no complaints. We were told when we first set up on Coleman Ave. that we had the city's support for things like porta-potties, Dumpsters, etc… Unfortunately, they didn't have it to give. Mayor Tommy Longo hooked us up with Americorp, with a monetary proposition for us to be "THEIR" kitchen. We could run our community center offsite but minors were not allowed on their site for insurance reasons.

Since Momma's kids are here, this was unacceptable, so their volunteers came to our site to eat and recreate. We had expanded our operation to house volunteer groups and are working with the Knights of Columbus. As a result we have housed Catholic High school & College students.

As always, donations are a very welcome thing since we do not charge for food or lodging. Go to:
http://web-publishing.org/katrinarecovery/index.php For information on how to donate...

9/6 - From Momma Kaboom
We've been here 9 months now and it's been one hot Summer that is for sure, but thankfully no severe weather as of yet. But I'm not here for small talk; I want to make a plea.
Our building fell through, yes this is sad, but it's far from the end of our journey. We are working on funding the building of a building for the community center that is why I write today. To make a plea, to all of you wonderful people that have been following our journey, if each of you made a small donation because as you know, every dollar helps, we will be that much closer to actually building.
I am sure you hear of all the progress made in New Orleans, just last week they said on the news that 700 restaurants have opened again since Katrina. Waveland is still so wiped out, with 90% of it's residential, and commercial buildings, just destroyed. Look at any number of fully functioning communities that have community center, or food kitchens, why? Because there is such a need even with a sound structure to support those going through hard times.
For the people of Hancock County there haven't been such a strong need for community support since Camille. After the storm it took people from all parts of the country to reach out and lend a hand, but we all need to continue to do this even in small ways.
That's why I make this plea to you now, if you could donate just a dollar, what a difference it would begin to make in giving this community want it needs and deserves. Just think, you could help make the difference.
Please keep in mind that no amount of carrying signs, marching, meditation, prayer, signing petitions, or voting will ever carry as much power as helping one person gut out her ruined house, or feeding a single mother at the end of another stressful day of red-taping it to a Fema trailor. This is a chance to extract yourself from our traditionally divided and materialistic American culture, shake off the stagnant mundane, and participate in true community building during a time of suffering and hardship. We are a registered Non-Profit with the state of Mississippi (see Link) https://secure.sos.state.ms.us/busserv/corp/soskb/Agent.asp?3157996
You May donate VIA our Paypal account o­n paypal to: webmaster@web-publishing.org/ firelight10101@yahoo.com
ATTN:Camp Second Helpin
Please help if you can... $1.00 or $10.00 sent by enough people can make a HUGE dent in our operation cost. Send this plea out to everyone. We are in Waveland and making a difference!
Momma Kaboom
Better known as Spring

8/2 - Update About Their Move from Waveland to BSL
Yes we have a moving date, We will be going to our holding site this Fri. Aug. 4. And we will be going to St. Augustine [Seminary] on the 1st of Sep. It has a real kitchen, dining hall, Gym (for showing movies, dances etc.) All we ever hoped for . We have a commitment from them for 2 years it also has indoor dormitory's to house volunteers.

The Knights of Columbus are helping them get a permanent spot in Bay St. Louis – sounds like it might even be a building and not the desert tents they are in.

Ron Parsons - firelight10101@yahoo.com; 228-342-8834. No charge – they don’t believe in charging people for coming to do service.

7/31 An Update From Tammi - another Rainbow Volunteer!


Regan sleeping in a Pass bunkhouse.

We thought we might have more work to do before we left today but more volunteers came than was expected. It is amazing how well this runs - they really have a great system where they can just plug people into the various jobs. For us, it was the dining tent. For others, they go out an help gut and then rebuild homes.

We took off for Waveland. It is west of Pass Christian. Unfortunately, the bridge between the cities is still out - many bridges still are - a year later. There are other ways around which we found easily. We chose to drive to Bay St. Louis before hitting Waveland. It is in better shape than the Pass, and Waveland, too. Still rebuilding, as well.

Camp Second Helpin’ is a community center for families, young and old. They provide lunch and dinner, and various activities for all ages. They are in desert tents donated by the Knights of Columbus, on the American Legion property. The greatest need is bottled water. You can wash in the tap water, but drinking it is not advised. They have just been donated a bus for mobile meals, and they are obtaining a more permanent building and site in Bay St. Louis.

Waveland was like a bomb hit it - still, almost a year later. There are trailers on many plots of land where homes once stood. In the Pass, it looks like many people razed and abandoned, are selling, etc. Here in Waveland, it seems people are staying, even in trailers. City Hall is in trailers. It is unbelievable. Worse than what I saw in parts of Haiti.

The leaders of this effort are a homeschooling family, with three kids. Regan and Braeden had a great time with them, learned how to play Risk, Clue and Uno with them, and they had a hard time saying goodbye. I like that Regan and Braeden are learning that they can make friends anywhere. We left on Wednesday the 26th for New Orleans.

Greetings from Camp Second Helpin'!

Our new mailing addy is:
Camp Second Helpin Attn: Ron Parsons
208 Coleman Ave.
Waveland MS. 39576

We are a regestered Non-Profit with the state of Mississippi (see Link) https://secure.sos.state.ms.us/busserv/corp/soskb/Agent.asp?3157996

You May also help by donating VIA our Paypal account o­n paypal to: webmaster@web-publishing.org
ATTN: Camp Second Helpin'

Please help if you can... $1.00 or $10.00 sent by enough people can make a HUGE dent in our operation cost. Send this plea out to everyone.

We need more love put into this.

much love to the family, hoping to hear more from ya'll...

Momma KaBoom

Coastal Community Watch

A sample of how banding together WORKS! The full history of this saga (which is ongoing) is at their blog. You can click on the title above to go directly to it.

Hi Leslie,
Best Wishes from the New Year from Coastal Community Watch (http://www.coastalcommunitywatch.blogspot.com).
Our membership keeps growing and so does our list of activities.
Here's a few on-going projects:
1. We've come up with an on-line candidate's forum - sort of a one-stop-shop for voters. We gave it a dry run with the November elections in Waveland. The forum got rave reviews from both candidates and voters. We're hoping this type of site will catch on along the coast - it can be an easy and free tool for any community. Check it out: http://www.servewaveland.blogspot.com (and if any group out there is interested in starting one for their community or specific focus, we'll be glad to share ideas).
2. Along with many other groups, we participated in a national campaign to stop a change in wetlands regulations along the Mississippi Coast. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15305378/). Our own "neck of the woods" has seen a struggle with the Corp over wetlands regulation enforcement (http://coastalcommunitywatch.blogspot.com/2006/06/wetlands-red-alert.html )
3. We're closely watching an appeal before the State Supreme Court. It will decide whether developments like this one (http://www.mississippi-condos.com) are allowed to build on 1100 acres of our Hancock coastal wetlands. (http://coastalcommunitywatch.blogspot.com/2006/04/zoning-appeal.html).
4. This year we're planning a campaign for urgently needed property tax protections for Coast residents - ( http://coastalcommunitywatch.blogspot.com/2006/10/property-tax-protection.html). Please contact us if you or your group would be interested in helping.

If y ou'd like to join our group (it's free and entirely internet based, so there are no meetings or dues), just click here (http://coastalcommunitywatch.blogspot.com/2006/10/to-join-ccw.html ).
Happy New year to you all and here's to a New Coast, one where citizen activism shapes the future.

Please pass this letter along to your own mailing lists and urge your friends to keep it going. It's one chain letter that might actually do some good!

Dear Friends and Family,

Many of you around the country were moved by the loss that Katrina brought to our beloved Gulf Coast. You've helped in numerous ways - we couldn't have come as far as we have without your help. Each resident here will carry a great debt of gratitude to our graves.
Now we're asking for more help. The Corps of Engineers wants to change the way wetlands permits are regulated in South Mississippi. This MSNBC article explains the crisis: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15305378/
Anyone who watches the news is aware of how important our wetlands are for flood and wind protection during hurricanes. But they're a vital part of our economy as well. Now, in a rush to rebuild, we're being urged to make it easier for developers to fill in these irreplacable resources. If Katrina taught us anything, it's that conservation costs less than convenience.
Here on the Coast, we're working hard to recover, but it seems like each day brings new obstacles and we're all pretty tired. It's been a very long year. Don't let us lose what little we have left to short-sighted government policies. You can help with just a few simple actions.
1. Take the time and write a letter to protest this misguided attempt to "streamline" the permit process. Or you can use the sample below.
2. Send the same letter to all the addresses listed below.
3. Look up the e-mail addresses of the elected leaders in your own state (http://www.house.gov/ and http://www.senate.gov/ ) and send copies to them as well.
4. And forward this to anyone who has a heart for the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Thank you!
Ellis Anderson
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi

You can use this sample letter to the Corps - just copy and paste.

To the Corp of Engineers:
This letter is in regards to the proposed change to the wetlands permitting process in Mississippi (SAM - 2006 - 2181 - JWS).
I urge you to act as stewards of this valuable resource that was entrusted to you by the citizens of the U.S. and the residents of Mississippi and leave the wetlands permitting regulations as they currently stand. I also ask that you extend the period for public comment for 30 additional days and hold at least one public hearing on the matter.
I realize that the Mobile office of the Corps is understaffed, so I'm also urging our federal elected officials to provide special aid to the Mobile Office and provide you with needed assistance to carry out responsible permitting and enforcement proceedings under current regulations.
Thank you,
Send it to all the addresses listed below, as well as to your own state's members of Congress.
Corps Public Comment:
Colonel Pete Tayor, Commander:
MS Department of Marine Resources:
Bill Walker - Executive Director:
Joseph Runnels:
Public Officials:
Senator Trent Lott:
Congressman Gene Taylor:

To: Colonel Pete Taylor, Commander
U.S. Army Engineer District, Mobile
P.O. Box 2288Mobile, AL 36628-0001
SUBJECT: Out-of-Compliance Filling of Wetlands at Bayou Caddy,
Hancock County, Mississippi; Permit No. MS00-02528-U

Dear Colonel Taylor:

I am writing to express the grave concern of the Coastal Community Watch (CCW) on this subject. CCW is an 800+ member citizens group dedicated to monitoring development along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Documents received this week from the Mobile District have confirmed that the subject permit, executed in 2002 to fill 2.7 acres of tidal wetlands, was for the stated purpose of expanding Bayou Caddy Fisheries, a seafood business. The 2.7 acres were only recently filled, and it is now apparent that the intended purpose of the filling is to build a high-rise condominium development. The documents also stipulate that the permitted work was to have been completed by 15 May 2004, which it obviously was not.

We believe there is no question that the subject permit is invalid for the permittee’s current filling activity, both from the standpoint of its stated purpose and its lack of timeliness. We request that your office take immediate and appropriate action to revoke this permit and instruct the permittee to restore the 2.7 acres of wetlands to their original condition.

We are aware that your Regulatory Division has done some investigating into this out-of-compliance matter. We request that Mr. Frank Hubiak of your office be involved in this investigation and that the investigation include whether the permittee has complied with other aspects of his agreement, such as his mitigation plan and the installing of a pump-out facility at the 900 foot dock site on Bayou Caddy.

If the permittee wishes to pursue a new permit to fill wetlands for the purpose of a condo development, he should be required to submit such an application and have it be subjected to the normal permitting process, with opportunity for public comment.

We would appreciate a prompt response to our concerns.

Robert L. Davis
Bay St. Louis, MS

Copy to:
1) Senator Trent Lott
2) Congressman Gene Taylor
3) Mississippi Department of Marine Resources
∑ Mr. Bill Walker, Executive Director
∑ Mr. Joe Runnels
∑ Mr. Vernon Asper
4) U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service

Update: 6/29 Here's a letter several of our members received in response from the Corps:

From: "Bunkley, William R SAM"
Date: June 27, 2006 1:15:23 PM CDT
Subject: Bayou Caddy

Thank you for conveying your comments and concerns regarding the on-going construction at the former Bayou Caddy Fisheries site in Waveland. The Corps is aware of the planned change of use at the site and has been in contact with the developer regarding non-compliance with the Department of the Army permit issued in 2002 for expansion of the seafood processing facility. Based upon our evaluation of the site, the wetlands that have been filled at the site do not exceed those authorized by the original permit. However, the developer has been notified that any use of the site other than construction of a seafood processing or similar facility will not be in compliance with the permit and a new permit application will be required for the alternative proposal. When submitted, the new proposal will be placed on public notice and undergo a full public interest review and reevaluation prior to rendering a permit decision.

Once again, thanks for your comments regarding the Regulatory Program.

William R. BunkleyChief, Inland Branch
Regulatory Division
Mobile District Corps of Engineers
Phone: 251-694-3780
Fax: 251-690-2660

Bay/Waveland School District

New Article At End of Post

11/8 - Bay High Getting Grant Money
Coast will get $8M in grants
Money for school, accounting
BILOXI - The Mississippi Gulf Coast is receiving an additional $8 million in federal money as part of the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort, FEMA announced Wednesday.
"Two of these grants will rebuild school buildings and the third will help the state improve its accounting for taxpayer dollars being expended in this recovery effort," said Nick Russo, federal coordinating officer for the Mississippi recovery.
FEMA said the total cost of the three projects is $8.9 million, 90 percent coming from the federal government.
State and local sources will split the nonfederal share on the two school projects. The state will pay the 10 percent of the third project.
More than $1.03 million in FEMA funds will go to repair the social studies building and almost $1.02 million to repair the math building at Bay High School in Bay St. Louis. Officials said the projects will restore the school to its pre-disaster design, capacity and function, including required code upgrades. The project costs take into account estimated insurance proceeds and salvaged items.
MEMA will receive $5.97 million as a federal share of the $6.64 million total cost for an accounting firm to help cities, counties and eligible private nonprofit corporations make sure recovery money is being spent properly.
"These accounting oversight and compliance services are essential in enabling Mississippi to manage and audit its reconstruction efforts in an open and effective manner," said Mike Womack, MEMA's interim director.
The grants come from FEMA's Public Assistance program, which provides financial assistance to state and local governments and certain nonprofit organizations for disaster cleanup and rebuilding efforts.
Esthers an outreach organization for single mothers, connected with Stacey Cato of The Giving Circle, Inc, volunteering with TGC applicants in Waveland who are single moms. After hearing that the Waveland/Bay St Louis area school children had uniforms prior to Katrina, Esthers offered to replace these. The Giving Circle has distributed hundreds of new Khaki pants and white shirts donated by Esthers for the students of the Waveland Bay St Louis area.

From the Superintendent,Dr. Kim Stasny
All buildings took on water from the storm surge or from extensive roof damage. The waters left behind thick mud that contaminated all areas of the buildings. High humidity and temperatures exceeding a heat index of 100 degrees lasted for days after the storm. Mold and mildew grew rapidly and spread to furniture, walls, ceilings, and A/C ductwork. Mechanical equipment on every campus was damaged by the salt water, rendering them dangerous and useless.
The infrastructure for both the wide area and local area networks was destroyed. Servers were damaged beyond repair, along with most computers and monitors throughout the district. Anything made of paper became contaminated with mold and mildew and had to be disposed. Legs of desks were pitted by the salt water and began rusting immediately, sometimes adhering to the floor. Ceiling tile sagged and floor tile buckled from humidity and water. Loss of buildings and contents has been estimated at $40M. Insurance, FEMA, and MEMA will cover some costs but not all.

Grade configurations will remain the same as before the storm until rebuilding is complete.
* North Bay and Waveland Elementary Community Schools (grades K-3)
* Second Street Elementary School (grades 4 + 5)
* Bay-Waveland Middle School (grades 6 - 8)
* Bay High School (grades 9 - 12)
* Bay-Waveland Alternative School (grades 4 - 12)

By May 2006, 62% of the pre-Katrina school population had returned. The district is planning for an 80% return rate during the '06-'07 school year.
Local revenue has decreased by at least 50%, creating strained budgets and overall belt tightening.
We hope you will consider a donation amount to aid in our recovery. Please send your check or money order to the following address:

Any donation amount will aid in our recovery.

Please send your check or money order to the following address:

Katrina Relief Fund
Bay St. Louis-Waveland School District
201 Carroll Avenue
Bay St. Louis, MS 39520

If you would like to speak to someone about our efforts, please call 228-467-4439.

Where we are:
As I reflect on the past eleven months, we've accomplished many goals. The following facts may give you a snapshot of our progress.
As of August 7, 2006, our school enrollment has reached 65.5% of pre-storm numbers. Out of 2,380 students, 1,560 have returned.
Most of our students (96%) now qualify to eat free. Prior to the storm, only 60% of our students qualified.
Estimates for recovery have exceeded $40M. This includes rebuilding two elementary schools and renovating others.
Our tax base revenue is expected to be 50 to 65% less than previous years. Until families rebuild and businesses reopen, local contribution will be insufficient.
Unemployment in Hancock County has increased from 4.9% to 20.6%.
We've been able to replace 120 computers out of the 800 we lost.
We only have two cafeterias in operation. Food is transported to two campuses and students from the high school walk to the middle school to eat.

Contact Information

Postal address
201 Carroll Ave. Bay St. Louis, MS 39520
Electronic mail
Webmaster: mailto:cpurl@bwsd.org

School was back in session for the Bay-Waveland School District Monday. Superintendent Kim Stasny said enrollment is up nearly six percent for the district since the last day of school in May. Overall enrollment is 66 percent of the total at the beginning of school last year, she said. Echo staff photo by Dwayne Bremer.
Aug 7, 2006, 16:58

Eight Days of Hope


3/13 - 8 Days of Hope IV will be announced March 26th!

News from Camp Gulfside
In December, Camp Gulfside was honored to host the group 8 Days of Hope. The Tupelo, Miss., group of volunteers started with one guy, Steve Tybor, who every Christmas went to Central America to do mission work.
After listening to a Christian Family radio station in Tupelo that sent out a call for help, he felt led to work at home in Mississippi this year.
The group rotates volunteers in and out every day and to date has sent a total of 600 people who have worked on approximately 141 homes, including nine for Camp Gulfside. This is their third trip to our area.
Our camp was to house 10 but as things progressed we gratefully ended up housing approximately 25 volunteers per night for the eight-day time frame.
The group was awesome; not only did they work jobs, they sent over people to clean the camp before they left and helped with every chore that needed to be done.
We are sincerely grateful to 8 Days of Hope for all they accomplished in such a short time and welcome them back to Camp Gulfside on their eight days of hope.
- Debbie Strickland
Strickland of Waveland is the Western Coast regional coordinator
The event is coming upon us quicker than we think. We are just five weeks away from our third missions trip to the gulf coast.

If you haven't volunteered yet I encourage you to do so. Logistically we need to plan for food, lodging and other items. As of today we have roughly 100 people signed up for this event.

In the flesh that is disappointing to me yet I know that America has heard and seen enough of Hurricane Katrina for quite some time. Most probably feel that the coast is doing great in its recovery.

Let me encourage you that the statement you just read is wrong. The need is still great and will be for years! 85% of all of the homeowners are still not in their homes. Many of these people are still living in trailers, fifteen months after the hurricane!

I urge you to please consider coming to the coast with us for at least three days. If you have been with us before you know how fulfilling it is for your soul to see people smile who haven't smiled in a long time. I know that God is going use us in a mighty way regardless if there is 100 or 500.

If you can't make it please consider using our brochures and flyers to promote this event in your church. Pleas email me back if you would like one of these tools.

Please reread 1st Peter 4:10. Let us all use the gifts God has given us to bless and serve the gulf coast!

May God bless you!

Stephen Tybor III
Update - 10/3
8 Days of Hope III will be December 15th - 22nd!
Yes, we are going back to the gulf coast!

http://www.eightdaysofhope.com/ has all of the information. Volunteers are being accepted!

Please take the time to look at the pictures posted on the site. If you have one or two pictures you would like to share please don't hesitate to forward them to us so we can possibly include them on the site. When sending the pictures please give us any information about the volunteers and the site they were working on. We would love to post a couple hundred pictures on the site!

Also, we are working on two videos for the website and are hoping that they will be on our site in the next two weeks. You will be able to download this for your use or to help promote 8 Days of Hope.

The leadership of 8 Days of Hope has been blessed by AFA/AFR once again. We recently have been given office space in Tupelo Ms. where we will be staffing with two part time people. One being Peggy Hodges. We will be setting up our own phone lines and equipping the office.

God has blessed us with so much. We have been good stewards of the dollars God has blessed us with. Any dollars donated to 8 Days of Hope I and 8 Days of Hope II paid for the logistics of the events with our main expense being the building materials. Yet we believe that God wants us to extend our ministry. We would like to build an organization that can respond to any national disaster in 30 days. Imagine an earthquake in California, a hurricane in Tampa or a forest fire in Colorado. We believe that God is calling us to be READY to use the gifts he has blessed us with in order to serve and love His people. We could be at any of those areas within a short time period with the network of people that God has brought together.

We are asking for your help. If you feel called to help us set up our office and add two part time staff people would you consider donating to 8 Days of Hope as we expand this ministry? We will not use any dollars donated to 8 Days of Hope I and II for these positions. If you can please send a donation to 8 Days of Hope PO 3208 Tupelo Ms., 38803. In the memo section of your check please write "office."

If you live locally we are looking for your help this Saturday (Oct. 7th) for four hours from 8-12 am. We will be painting and cleaning this office before we move our furniture, desks and other items over the next week. Please email me back if you can help. If you are in the furniture business we could use some desks and other miscellaneous furniture items. We also could use some lights. Please email me back for more information.

This email was meant to encourage you to do three things:

1.) Volunteer for 8 Days of Hope III
2.) Urge you to become a financial supporter of 8 Days of Hope as an ongoing ministry.
3.) To come and help this Saturday or to donate furniture and office furniture.

BUT.......The most important thing we ask is PLEASE continue to pray for this ministry. God continues to open huge doors for us. It is not an accident or a coincidence that this is happening. It is for HIS glory!

Bless you!

See you on the coast!

Stephen Tybor III
Update 6/29
In June of 2006, over 1,140 volunteers from 37 states and three countries descended upon the gulf coast of Mississippi with the intentions of aiding as many people as possible in rebuilding of their homes still damaged by Hurricane Katrina. An eight day trip that was meant to be a one time trip in December of 2005 had literally doubled in size and tripled in man hours!

Two hundred and sixty projects were completed in two hundred and two homes. These homes were located in Gulfport, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, Pass Christian and Pascagoula.

Some of the highlights of this project include the following:
*4,150 pieces of sheetrock/drywall were installed

*700 squares of roofing shingles were installed
*15 homes were completely rewired because of the flood damage
*25 additional homes had some type of electrical work done
*Hundreds of rolls of insulation were installed
*Over 80 homes had extensive carpentry work done
*Many homes were gutted and cleaned
*17 homes were primed and painted

As one can see the volunteers showed up to work! In fact over 30,000 man hours were used during 8 Days of Hope II.

The stories of tears being shed, lives being touched and homeowners praying with the volunteers were endless. We realized on June 3 when we left that we came to bless yet we were the ones who were truly blessed! We came to encourage these towns and when we left we were encouraged by the resiliency, the determination and the joy that many of these homeowners exhibited. A special thank you to American Family Association/AFR and TGI Fridays.

American Family Radio has once again helped us get the word out. Without their support we know our volunteer numbers would be 15% of what they are. They have been a proud sponsor of 8 Days of Hope since day one!

TGI Fridays was kind enough to bring us lunch every day we were on the coast. They provided lunch for all 1,140 volunteers! They also donated $75,000 to 8 Days of Hope II. Without these monies we would only have accomplished half as much!

Many have asked when we are going back. We will publish the dates for 8 Days of Hope III by the end of July. Please refer back to this website for those dates.

Please do not look to man and what we accomplished during this second trip to the coast. In the first book of Peter 4:10, he tells us to use the gifts God has given us to minister to one another. 8 Days of Hope II used these verse as our call. Some people did this with a hammer and a paint brush while others did it with a smile and a listening ear. We all used our gifts that God has blessed us with. 8 Days of Hope continues to be His project and His ministry.
May God bless you and may God bless the Gulf Coast!
Steve Tybor III

Update May 15

We are about two weeks away and our numbers are growing. As of yesterday we are approaching 700 volunteers. God is good! That is slightly more than our first trip but with the requirement of a volunteer staying for a minimum three days we will actually be able to do about 30% more work. Get ready! Your going to be blessed beyond any beach trip you have been on in the past!

We will be doing most of our work in the Waveland, Bay St. Louis and Gulfport Ms. areas. We will be emailing you directions on where to check in along with some last minute instructions on May 23rd.
